The 1984 Scanlens series features 132 common cards and 11 Footscray, with 1 club emblem card per team.
100 - Bruce Duperouzel 101 - Simon Beasley 102 - Ian Williams 103 - Brian Royal 104 - Steve Wallis 105 - Stephen Lunn 106 - Michael McKennna 107 - Neil Cordy 108 - Michael Egan 109 - Chris Burton 110 - Footscray Emblem
Welcome to a rather large [and still growing] collection of Footscray / Western Bulldogs Trading Collector cards, going right back to the early days to present date.
Featuring all brands, all styles, all shapes & sizes, from Scanlens to Hoadley's to Select, we have them covered.
So open up, peel away that gum, and enjoy flicking throught my collection.
Do you have any Michael Egan cards?
Edited with the one & only Michael Egan card.
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